Faded, pitted, and bumpy nails are common symptoms for people suffering from onychomycosis, a fungal nail disease. It is not easy to get rid of fungus under the nails: in many cases, treatment is complicated by polymycosis (simultaneous loss by several species of fungi), high resistance to the pathogen, the entry of fungi into the bloodstream and lymphatic tract. Is there a chance to get rid of onychomycosis forever? Yes I have! You should consult a doctor and follow his instructions exactly.
Traditional treatments for onychomycosis
It is best to start the fight against the fungus immediately upon detection of the problem, as the pathogen has not yet managed to hit the nails all over the toes and toes. At first, the infection affects only the edge of one nail, and then the entire nail. If left untreated, there is a possibility of damage and complete detachment of the nail plates across the fingers. It is much more difficult to treat a disease at an advanced stage than at an early stage.

Therapeutic nail polish
In the first stage of onychomycosis, when the nail plate or its edge has changed color, the disease is felt by the thickening and keratinization of the nail: it becomes thick, begins to crumble and crumble. Immediately after the detection of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. In the initial stage, therapeutic varnishes associated with local therapy are used successfully to combat the fungus. Before starting the procedures, it is necessary to perform an analysis to identify a specific pathogen.
To enhance the therapeutic effect, before the varnish application procedure, it is necessary to remove the keratinized top layers of the nail plate by mechanical methods. It is necessary that the keratinized layers affected by the mold be carefully removed so as not to damage the diseased nail. Medicinal varnishes, penetrating deep into the tissue, contribute to the rapid destruction of the causative agent of onychomycosis. To increase the therapeutic effect, it is necessary to treat the nails regularly with varnish, until they are completely healed.
In addition to nail plates, the fungus often affects the skin of the feet and palms. This is evidenced by symptoms such as burning, itching, a specific odor. Therefore, simultaneously with therapy, preventive measures are taken to destroy the pathogen: disinfection of shoes, socks, treatment of feet with antifungal drugs.
Antifungal creams and ointments

As an effective treatment for nail fungus, especially in the early stages, creams and ointments have proven themselves. Unlike varnish, creams and ointments are easily wiped off the surface of the nail, so you need to make sure that the nail plate is covered with the active substance for a long period of time, otherwise the medicine will not have time to penetrate deep into. affected nails. To increase the effect, it is necessary to remove the keratinized top layers of the nail plate with a file so that the active substance penetrates deeper into the nails.

If the fungus has affected more than 3 fingers, or the disease is at an advanced stage, doctors prescribe oral antifungal tablets. Taking such drugs should be carried out according to the instructions of a doctor and under his supervision: drugs of this group are toxic, which have a negative effect on the internal organs. Such drugs are taken in cycles with a break. 2 cycles are required for the treatment of the toes, 3 toes of the toes.
To increase the effect of tablets, it is better to combine their reception with local treatment with spray or cream. This combination therapy promotes rapid recovery. To reduce the harmful effects of pills on the liver, doctors recommend taking hepatoprotectants. At the same time, measures must be taken to prevent secondary infection - to treat shoes and other things with antifungal medication.
Folk remedies to get rid of nail fungus

Many are interested in the question: is it possible to get rid of nail fungus using popular methods? The answer is yes: in some cases, popular methods can get rid of the fungus on the nails. Doctors do not recommend abusing self-medication: if you start the disease, it will be much harder to get rid of the fungus. The effectiveness of the following natural-based products has been proven: propolis tinctures, iodine, baths with vinegar, etc. Such popular recipes are popular:
- Apples based on apple cider vinegar. Mix apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil in a 1 to 1 ratio. Coat a cotton ball with the resulting mixture, stick to the affected area with duct tape. The disc should be held for 3-4 hours, the procedure is performed daily until complete recovery.
- Apple cider vinegar based baths. Dilute 1 liter of vinegar in 3 liters of warm water, add a little potassium permanganate. The bath is taken daily for 30 minutes.
- Propolis tincture. Wet a cotton pad with the solution, wipe your nails with it several times a day - sick and healthy.
- Tea tree oil. Lubricate the affected nails with oil. The procedure is performed several times a day.
- Propolis tincture. Soak a cotton ball in 20% propolis solution, apply on the affected area for a few hours. The procedure is performed daily, until the growth of a healthy nail plate.
- Jodi. Clean the nail plate from keratinized layers, apply an iodine solution. It is recommended to treat healthy nails, the skin near the fingers. If a burning sensation is felt after applying the solution, it should be diluted. The solution is applied daily until complete recovery.
- Celandine tincture. Dilute the infusion of celandine in a ratio of 1 to 1. Dip your fingers in a bath with a solution, hold for 20-25 minutes. The course of treatment lasts 20 days.
How to prevent fungus: tips from a dermatologist

A fungal infection that requires careful and qualified treatment becomes an unpleasant surprise. At risk are people who visit public places: baths, saunas, swimming pools, who have contact with people with fungal diseases. If there are patients in the family, all preventive measures should be observed: do not wear someone else's shoes, wipe daily with fungicides. Dermatologists make the following recommendations to prevent fungal infection:
- When visiting saunas, baths, swimming pools and other public places where people walk barefoot, always wear your shoes, preferably closed.
- After visiting such places, wash your feet thoroughly, including the skin between your toes.
- If your feet are sweaty, use talcum powder or deodorant.
- Try to comply with hygiene requirements, change socks every day.
- Do not wear tight shoes and someone else's.
- When trying on new shoes at the store, wear new socks.